Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Snow in october=no school on halloween

I haven't written in a bit possibly because i did not have power for two days but mostly i was battleing writers block and a bad case of boredum!!! anyways as most people know halloween was on a monday but because the sky decided it did not want us to go to school on such an awesome day! i went trick or treating on cedar street (changed street name) with shadow, nisa and my friend ummm.. trina(fake name). it seems like halloween came and went sooo quickly!! as most people know scare crows freak me out because ican almost swear there is a person inside one waiting to attack me! so i tried to skip as many houses with scare crows as possible! But to no avail since shadow made it his personal goal to get me up to the door of one of these houses....i held my ground until he started being "mean" too me :p
of course im freaking out inside but i held it in said my trick or treats got my candy then got the hell outta there!either way i was pochontas shadow was a boxer/mugger person thingy....nisa was a bad school girl a costume she got from me!
going to cut this post short cause i don't know what else to write sooo..
-blog ya later

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