Tuesday, November 8, 2011

In school again

im done with all the soul searching for now i feel like ive been complaining...alot...so lets talk about something that would probably be wayy more appealing to other readers! like you remember i told you about "tim" and "amber" the couple that broke up..either way i go to shadows class during my lunch period because he has theatre and the teacher is awesome! Amber is in that class...i feel soo bad because everytime we are together i see in her eyes that she is hurting..although she doesn't want to admit it and she says she is over tim...I could not help but try to at least not be too "couple-like" in front of her but shadow is just soo darn irresitable...band class is awkward because i sit between Tim and Amber but they are like i guessed both talking to me but not really to each other! so its weird and when they try to talk to each other its just weird....i feel soooo bad for her because it seems like he never actually loved her in the first place...
i had a dream the other day that the same thing happened to me and shadow... it was so realistic. i woke up feeling sorta depressed i didnt know whether i should laugh or cry...i felt sick too my stomach but then i saw him later in school and felt sooo relieved...i never ever want to ever have that dream ever again let alone live it soo thats why i sorta feel for Amber...
if i learned anything from my great grandma before she died its that most dreams mean something....she had a book that interpreted dreams and she was from the islands she had all these natural herbs and stuff like remedys and she always had the answer for every problem....i do wish she was alive i have a few questions for her. and i wonder what ever happened to that book and what it would say bout my dream! i know im just crazy for wanting to know but who could blame me for being curious...that book taught me sooo much about myself and other people i learned about the mind and things i would not know about people otherwise...anyway class is about to end so till later
-blog ya later :)

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