Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Poems By lexi!!!!!!


Have you ever felt like you were waiting to exhale? you feel a pressure building in your chest , and when you swallow your heart sinks,because the concept of love is to wide to carry on your shoulders. Does he feel the same? The battle between heart and mind keeps you from telling how you relly feel. Those three little words keep you close to the floor, the fear of saying "Ilove you" sends you into a state of shock. the moment he wraps you in his arms, you're hipnotized the trance gets deeper and deeper until your lips finally meet. Is this unification real? Or is it an illusion of the heart. Will the moments you shared last of will it die out quickly. Like a meteor shining bright as it flies across the sky. It was beautiful while it lasted but soon it disappears into the starry night as if it had never happened. The happiness was Unreal. as the tears flow you wonder how come HE DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE.

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