Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ice dancer only 1st chapter

Maddix are you going to try out for the lead in Swan Lake, at dance class on Saturday? Questioned Alex.
Yeah I hope I get the part. Are you going to try out Alex? Said Maddix.
No, I am not very confident that I’ll get the part. However, you have a good chance of getting the lead, because you are such a great dancer. Replied Alex.
You should never doubt yourself Alex you are a great dancer too. Maddix replied.
Sabrina and her popular crew walked down the hall, their high heel shoes smacked the floor with every step. Sabrina flipped her golden blonde hair just as she walked passed Matthew, her super cute boyfriend. Sabrina did not notice Maddix standing at her dark blue school locker, and bumped into her. Sabrina’s face turned as red as a tomato, as her followers quickly dropped to their knees to pick up her school textbooks.
Hey, watch where you are going. Sabrina angrily said.
Yeah, watch it. Said Sabrina’s band of followers.
But you bumped into me. Said the now frustrated Maddix.
You need to stay out of my way. Sabrina said as she crinkled up her nose, and stormed away.
Maddix was so sick of Sabrina and her nonsense. She decided to take matters into her own hands so she blew an ice sheet on the ground. Then Maddix remembered what her grandmother, gran-gran, always tells her: “Do not use you’re power for your own personal gain, use it to better the world”.
But this isn’t for my personal gain it’s for the gain of the school. Thought Maddix as she ran to Sabrina’s locker which was decorated with flower printed wallpaper. Maddix froze the dial on her locker, so it will not easily be opened. And would ultimately cause her to have a bad day.

Sabrina finally gets to her locker, and notices that its dial is frozen. It took the ice a long time to melt so she could get her get her things, and get to the next period class. Sabrina got to her class 30 minutes late.
When Sabrina got to class, she opened the door the doorstop that was on the door ledge fell and hit Sabrina in the head. The whole class laughed at her, and she turned that shade of red again.
Maddix sat back and silently celebrated at her desk.
“Why, are you late Sabrina and close that door?” said Mr. Wafer.
I could not get my locker opened. Wined Sabrina.
You’re in 7th grade now you should know how to open your locker. Snapped Mr. Wafer.
But it wasn’t my fault; somehow, the dial on my locker was frozen. Complained Sabrina.
I know its winter, but it’s not that cold outside.Mr.Wafer sarcastically Answered.
I don’t know how it happened, but it did. Replied Sabrina.
That’s it Sabrina your going to far now, you have detention. Declared Mr. Wafer.
But that’s not fair, Mr. Wafer. Wined Sabrina.
I don’t want to hear it, you have detention end of story. Yelled Mr. Wafer.
Sabrina crossed her arms as she stormed off to her desk, and plopped down in her seat. Mr. Wafer Graded a few last minute tests, as the students copied the notes from the board.
Maddix’s Wristwatch danger indicator vibrated. Big red letters flashed across the screen it said: bank robbery. Maddix quickly raised her hand and politely asked for the pass for the bathroom. Maddix Ran to the bathroom. When she arrived she spread her arms apart keeping her hands facing upwards. This created a whole lot of fog to shield her self as she changed into her long dark blue and silver bullet proof suit. That is decorated with mystical ice crystals and, light blue beads. Maddix was no longer Maddix; she was now Ice Dancer, A superhero that has the powers of ice, water, fog, you get the point right!
Ice Dancer rode a wave all the way to first national bank.
Before Ice Dancer arrived: Malta Lava (Ice Dancer’s enemy. Who has the power to melt, and reform, shoot lava from her index finger, and make a lava tornado) came into the bank with another one of her disguises. She looked completely normal until she skipped past everyone in line waiting to be assisted. When she reached the desk, she put her elbows on it. Then whispered I need all of the money that you currently have. Otherwise, it might get a little ugly in here if I do not get what I want.
The staff with the blue t-shirts, and red nametags, started to laugh hysterically at her crazy request, as did some of their costumers.
Malta Lava was now very angry.
She slowly walked to the center of the room all eyes on her, the room was completely silent. She put her arms up and made the shape of a v, and spun around fast. This created a lava tornado. Smoke had flooded the room. As Malta Lava changed into her long red bulletproof suit. That was decorated with chips of lava rocks that shield her body. Malta Lava lowered her hands and moved them in a circular motion to make the lava tornado stop. (This also stopped the smoke from flooding the room).
Some of the costumers had passed out from inhaling too much smoke. Marissa (the new employee at first national bank) quickly ran toward the phone. Marissa was able to dial nine then Malta Lava noticed what she was doing and she shot a beam of lava from her index finger at the phone. The phone slowly melted into a puddle of lava. Marissa’s mouth dropped open as she stared at the hand that had the phone in it, there was nothing there! The costumers and employee’s all gasped.
Marissa Quickly ducked under the desk dragging her employee trainer Martha down with her.
Does this normally happen here at this bank? Asked Marissa nervously.
Ummm… Yeah a supernatural person comes in every day asking for all the money in the bank! Sarcastically answered Martha.
Really, because my mom does not like me to be around dangerous things, people, anything. Replied the now wheezing Marissa.
No, I was kidding this doesn’t normally happen I was being sarcastic. Whispered Martha.
Oh, why didn’t you say so? Marissa answered as she stopped wheezing.
We need to do something a bout this, can u crawl over to the fire extinguisher and bring it back here? Asked Martha.
Sure. Marissa answered as she started to crawl.
Once Marissa was no longer hidden by the desk, Malta Lava shot a beam of lava at her. Marissa dodged it, by rolling over. Marissa grabbed the fire extinguisher, and then quickly crawled back behind the desk.
On three stand up and charge after Malta Lava, hit her in the head with the fire extinguisher. One, two, three!!!
Marissa stood up, but then got nervous and started wheezing, and then she passed out. Martha stood up took a deep breath then slid over the desk and charged after Malta Lava. She came close and was about to kick Malta Lava. When Malta Lava shot lava at her. Martha’s momentum suddenly stopped and changed direction. Martha flew back across the room and she hit against the wall, and after minutes of analyzing her, staff could tell that she had a slight concussion.
Suddenly a wave sound seemed as if it were coming closer and closer! Children hid behind their parents. Malta Lava Decided after five seconds to disregard it. Malta Lava shot lava at random places in the room to show off her amazing power. People ducked under the front desk if fear of being shot with lava. The walls where the lava had been shot started to smoke, and soon the smoke had coated the room. Children wined, and cried as they searched for their parents in the smoke. Malta Lava laughed an evil laugh. Then walked over to a little boy in the corner named Billie by an old broomstick and rope, and grabbed him. If I do not get what I want, this boy is mine, and who knows maybe he will make a good sidekick.
My baby! Screamed Billie’s mom
Moooooooooooom! Yelled Billie
Ice Dancer came crashing through the window. She grabbed Billie then kicked Malta Lava, and she slid all the way back to the desk.

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