Friday, March 23, 2012


SO far so many things have happened...lets make a list
1. big break up
2. uncle gets cancer
3. mom gives away dog.
4. JD...enough said
5. Anxiety
6. Zela....
7. my new favorite book series came out with another book (hex hall book three called spellbound)
8. The hunger games which i havent read yet because im a freaking hipster
9. mixed emotions
and the list goes on...
i realize in the past couple of weeks i havent been eating... i havent eaten breakfast in at least a week and a half...for lunch i used to get a salad now im good with a snapple. its weird im not like anorexic or me i am full figured! but i think in my head somewhere theres something deeper going ive lost a little bit of me... or something weird like that...Zela seems to take over a lot more often then i would like at least twice a day. But she doesnt need to meet JD in person... ever. she can keep her british butt occupied with someone else. instead of switching my hips and winking my eye. She thinks she can get rid of me. But im here to stay..
either way....enough of boring alexia, this is zela. my first time writing on thhis blog i wonder what she says about me. ive got some research on my hands apparently... sooo uhhh goodbye...
-Blog ya later

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