Monday, January 26, 2009

ice dancer end of chap. 3

I lay there on the cold hard concrete for a long time unable to move. I begin to close my eyes. Next thing I know I hear a strange beeping noise, Alex is standing over me saying Maddix are you ok? Can you hear me? Oh, please don’t die! She pleaded. I opened my eyes, and sit up. I am in a hospital? I say in a hushed tone.
Oh thank goodness you are ok. Alex sighed out of relief.
What happened? I asked.
Well, to tell you the truth I really don’t know. I was going to your house because I needed help with the math homework. I rang the door bell but no one came to the door. I pushed the door aside and poked my head in. I Walked in. there was no one in sight. I had decided you must have gone somewhere and that I would come back later. I was heading for the sliding door when I saw you lying on the floor. You were bleeding. There was ice and water everywhere. Also there was a strange red residue on the floor in front of you. But it wasn’t blood. I let out a scream before running inside to go find your grams, but she wasn’t there. I grabbed the phone from the counter and called nine, one, and one. They came so fast behind the ambulance. An investigator came out of the cop car and asked me what happened, and what I saw. I told them the whole story! And before I knew it you were strapped to a gurney and we were on our way to the hospital. You were not responding to anything. I even said that the Jonas Brothers were there (which they so weren’t) and nothing! We got here and they hooked you up to a lot of machines. Your heart rate flashed across one screen. Well now we are here.
I took the wires that were connected to my forehead and ripped them off. Sirens sounded and a computer generated voice came on and said This patient needs some assistance. As soon as my feet hit the floor a doctor, and a nurse rushed in. The doctor pushed passed Alex. The nurse turned to Alex and told her she had to leave now.
The doctor pushed me into the bed.
I have to go now. I screamed
You are not well enough to leave. The doctor yelled over the sirens, as she hooked me up to the machines.
I was fighting and arguing with the doctor and nurse. The door swung open and Alex stood in the doorway.
Hey! Alex yelled
The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at Alex.I think I know where your grandmother is. She said calmly.
How do you know that my grandma is missing? I said in suspicion.
Well, I never did get my answer because, I guess the doctor got frustrated And put a gas mask over my nose and mouth and it made me fall asleep.
I woke up a few hours later. Alex was still standing over me. She had stayed there for all this time.
How are you feeling? She said in a caring voice.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
I’m fine. I replied.
So Maddix what actually happened before I came in? Alex asked
I could never tell her that I was ice dancer and a super villain had come to my house taken my grandma and in one of her attacks I was hurt. What should I do?

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