Monday, October 24, 2011

A game of questions ;)

70 questions:

  1. Full name: ummm.... this is thw world wide web i cannot disclose that information at this time...

  2. Nickname: lexi, alle, Aj, Jackie, jack, sexi, jojo, lexila( courtesy of my younger bro who cant say my name yet)

  3. Zodiac sign: Aquarious

  4. Elementary school:Whitter

  5. Tall or short: just right

  6. Sweats or jeans:Jeans

  7. oranges or apples: green apples

  8. do you have a crush on someone: Shadow

  9. eat or drink: Drink

  10. piercings: in ears ....want to pierce my belly button

  11. pepsi or coke: pepsi

Have you ever:

  1. Been in an airplane: many times

  2. been in a relationship: yea

  3. been in a car accident: not amajor one

  4. been in a fist fight: no

Firsts and Lasts:

  1. first piercing: ears

  2. first best friend: cant tell real names so waht the point...

  3. First award: most trust worthy and leadership

  4. first love: no real names

  5. first words: hey girls, nanab (banana),no!

  6. last person you talked to in person: Shadow

  7. last person you texted:Shadow

  8. last friend you watched a movie with: You guessed it... shadow

  9. last food you ate: rigatoni with meat sauce with assorted shredded cheeses....yumm

  10. last movie you watched in the theaters: Captain america

  11. last song you listened to: My humps black eyed peas

  12. last thing you bought: Barbecue chips


  1. food: seafood (crab legs, shrimp, calamri, lobster, cod fish)

  2. drink: Pina colada, long island ice tea, smirnoff

  3. flower: Lotus, black roses, babys breath

  4. animal: Jaguar

  5. color: Purple, gold, red

  6. place: In the park

  7. movie: Avatar, inception, Easy A

  8. subject: English

  9. song:hmmm... what ever i can dance to

Have you ever.....

  1. fallen in love with someone: i'd like you to meet shadow

  2. celebrated halloween: yeaa going to soon actually

  3. went over phone minutes: more than once :/

  4. wanted to smack someone: not for real

  5. eaten a whole pizza by yourself: never

  6. did something you regret: yup

  7. broke a promise: never

  8. hid a secret: it was a surprise party i think it wasn't bad for me to

  9. pretend to be happy: alot actually

In the future....

  1. want kids?how many: yes two one boy (who is older) and a female

  2. marriage: eventually

  3. career: dancer lawyer in space

which is better on the opposite gender...

  1. lips or eyes: lips

  2. shorter or taller: taller

  3. romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous

  4. hook up or relationship: relationship

  5. looks or personality: personality

Have you ever...

  1. lost glasses/contacts: yeaaa

  2. snuck out: not successfully

  3. held a gun/knife in defense: no

  4. broke someones heart: possibly

  5. been in love: yes

  6. been arrested: funny story...

Do you believe in...

  1. yourself: of course

  2. miracles: let me introduce youto shadow

  3. love at first sight: have you met shadow?

  4. santa:no...but don't tell my parents that!

  5. forever and always:of course


  1. someone you wish you were with now: where is shadow

  2. something your afraid of: bugs, feet, heights

  3. something you always wanted to ask: why are lesbians attractive to guys(THEY DON'T WANT YOU)

  4. something you want to try: sky diving (on my bucket list)

  5. things you say all the time:Okie dokie, enlighten me, interesting, i sowey, oopsy daisy

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