This is more of a diary now then a blog about stories and poems i right... but there is occasional advice piece...
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Okok a break from my everyday drama let's talk about someone completely
Different. We will call him mr.Valentine on here. Mr.Valentine is kind hearted a good friend funny sweet and he isn't hard to look at trust me (ladies you know what I mean) lol anywho, that being said he had this crush on this girl in my grade (he's one year younger). When valentine falls he falls hard though like head over heels you can tell. But he is very gentlemanly about it all. This girl in my grade is normally very to herself unless she's around friends and she's shy and blushy. They were talking for a couple of weeks and he let her know he was interested but she put him on ice. She claimed to be confused and not really sure about what she wanted. She tells him that eventually she will make up her mind and let him know. In the mean time they continued speaking. Here are the first issues I think valentine didn't give "Miley" enough of a chance to chase him back. Girls these days seem to like to be chased but to do some of the chasing as well they don't like for it to be to easy for them. They speak and some how or another she ends up coming to me and speaking to me about there whole situation as does mr. valentine. She told me they were talking and yes she did show signs of confusion but more like she didn't know exactly what she wanted or what she was looking for rather than if valentine was who she was looking for. Second issue she was in the priority position to quickly. When people are important to you it's hard to let them go or to be anything less than what you expected to be in their life. Ok so Miley eventually tells him how she feels after me giving her advice and telling her to just be open and honest with him. Rather than letting it drag out too far. She told him they should just be friends. She tells me many times that she very much wants to still be apart of his life and she can still hang out with him and go over his house and nothing should be awkward but honestly that's easier for her to say than for him to do. It's hard to act like your just friends with someone who you saw yourself becoming more with. So I text him help cheer him up a bit after he had been friend zoned and even suggest he speak to this other girl who he knows actually likes him. She has past relationship issues and health issues like me and it could all be very risky but there's no harm in simply talking and seeing where it leads. But then he is slammed yet again when he learns that she recently got into another relationship with someone else in his grade and didn't tell him. I believe Miley started dating this guy after she told valentine she wanted to be friends but he was hurt simply because she wasn't able to tell him the truth himself but that he had to hear it from a friend. She was planning to tell him but it was obviously too late. Of course valentine is very hurt but mostly disappointed. Sometimes his self esteem is lowered quickly and he likes to kick himself when he's down but he honestly was nothing to kick. He has no flaws worth the heart ache and stress. I could hear his pain on the phone the strain in his laugh I could feel the anger and confusion behind his words. I knew he was judging himself based on everyone around him. I know that valentine and Miley honestly need to speak if only one last time to straighten out this mess. Because up to now valentine has heard from Miley that she's actually in a relationship. And I know she has good intentions that were simply carried out the wrong way but it's up to her really t make it right. He needs a form of closure if he plans to move on and she needs to tell him the whole story and explain why or she's only going to continue to feel crappy and like the bad guy for not telling him earlier and avoiding this whole issue. He says he wants to just leave her alone and he even deleted her number which was actually for a sort of closure rather than out of spite. This way she has to contact him first and he can't easily run back to her. She has to come to him and she isn't used to that. Especially since this new guy apparently is a player that Miley is dating. I know him personally too I've known him for about a year. I don't know much about his dating life but he has been to my house before with friends just to hang after terpsys. Hes a good kid mixed up in some bad things. His intention isn't to hurt people but simply to get things how he wants them when he wants them. His relationships normally don't last long apparently. And I have heard this from more than one person and the worst thing that could happen now is he plays Miley and she gets hurt and starts wishing she had chosen valentine but it would be too late by then, he's on the road to moving on. I've spoke to her and him. She cried actually because she understands that she worded things wrong and everything's got messed up and she truly didn't mean to hurt anyone that's what she was trying to avoid the whole time by waiting. But on the other hand she did hurt him and he's basically waiting for her explanation in her own words I refuse to be the messenger because I'm not really involved. They need to really speak it over with each other and valentine needs his closure the old fashion way, communication. Other wise hey will no up like shadow and I. And I know that is truly the worst case scenario that they end up with unfinished business and can't speak to each other have he say she say drama but have too much pride to simply walk up to the other person and squash it right then and there. He could end up with a blog full or regrets and psychological dreams that bug him and he will never be able to truly move on because of the lack of closure and it will feel like she's everywhere right in his face unable to look at him. They will pretend to ignore each other existence but secretly stare when the other person is unaware. You see how twisted that all is? Honestly if I could prevent everyone in the whole world from going through this sort of drama I would but I can't speak for them that's up to them. I hope they choose wiser than I did.
-blog ya later!
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